GP support
See your GP for a review if you suspect a problem. This means that both you and your baby can have a detailed discussion with a medical professional to rule out other causes for your concerns and also start the path to determining the underlying cause.
Paediatric dietician support
With medical support from your GP if you think there is an allergy or intolerance - then you can be referred to a paediatric dietician for support with breastfeeding and introducing solids.
Exclusion diet
If you are a BF mother and there is suspected cows milk protein allergy then a complete exclusion of cows milk protein from your diet with the support of your GP and a Dietician will help establish if this is the issue. After several weeks of you not having having any cows milk protein in your diet, then you can reintroduce cows milk protein and keep a record of your baby’s reactions. This is done with the support and direction of a Dietician & your GP/Paediatrician.
Make sure you are getting all the vitamins and minerals you need if you and your baby are cutting cows milk protein out of your diet. Particularly vitamin D and Calcium. Speak to your GP and dietician so that you can get the right information for your personal situation.
Vegan cake recipes
Great for finding cake recipes (and other recipes) that are cows milk protein free, they are often yummy and the difference in taste is minimal.