5 tips for breastfeeding at night


Make where ever you feed as comfortable as possible. If its a chair use the comfiest one you have  add cushions and a blanket if it helps! If you feed in bed, find positions that help you feel most comfortable. Using pillows as a support are helpful. A ‘V’ pillow behind your back in bed can be particularly helpful. 

Set yourself up 

Set up your feeding space before you go to bed. This could include pillows for comfort, a bottle of water, a blanket (if its cold weather), headphones if you wanted to listen to something and a ‘changing’ station to make nappy changes as quick and easy as possible.


In the early days night feeds can last over an hour, this changes as they grow older. Whilst there on the longer side a good podcast can help you stay awake. If you’ve got a toddler or older children it's also such a special time thats just for you and your new baby.  


Keep an eye on your latch especially in the early days sometimes it helps to have a low light on, so that you can see and support your baby to latch as deeply as possible. This helps your baby get as much milk as possible and hopefully helps prevent sore nipples from a poor latch.

Positive thinking

These can be hard times but they are also lovely precious and fleeting moments, enjoy as much as you can and let the oxytocin flow, it wont be long and you'll be onto a new stage with your little one.